To combine two different (film) genres and begin to build a new world through careful consideration of characteristics from each genre. The objective is to visually describe the environment in innovative ways that allude to the character of the environment and situation within the context of a narrative as well as to create a believable space with the use of scale, lighting, and colour.​​​​​​​
The two genres I chose to splice together were Fantasy and Romance. The reason is that these illustrations are based upon the cliche of forbidden love. There is this little society of small fairy people who live within a tree. There is a girl, who lives at the top of the tree alongside their mode of transportation (birds with antlers). Then there is the little boy who lives at the bottom of the tree, known as the root dwellers. These two lovers find a way to see each other every night and spend their time together on the edge of a branch between their two worlds. With the use of the girl's transportation, the two meet up and are carried to their meeting spot shown in the fourth illustration.

April 2022